Blind Field, interactive video installation, real time, 2022–2024
实时互动影像装置《盲区》来自于艺术家在疫情期间,因为一次户外运动受伤所致的核磁共振检查经历。在被迫躺平的20分钟时间里,对有限的视线范围内的物体进行重复的观察,与此同时,依据知识经验所带来的价值衡量标准(就像罗兰 · 巴特在《明室》中对每张照片的评论一样)对目光所及之物进行持续的评论与再定义,并最终引申为对自身处境的不安与反思。
观众可以通过对交互装置发出指令去影响视频的播放状态,图像在模糊(观众看到的默认状态)和清晰(罗兰·巴特对观众看到的图像进行的评论部分)的状态下不断展开。当踩下被放置在地面的医疗器械控制踏板时,默认状态下模糊的图像会变得清晰,并与代表权威的罗兰 · 巴特的评论更自然的衔接(罗兰 · 巴特评论的部分默认为清晰影像并且不可被交互影响),而这“人为”的清晰状态持续的长短,取决于这一“被强迫”的动作能否一直忍耐下去。
The real-time interactive video "Blind Field" is inspired by Yan’s 20-minute inspection in an MRI scanner, which is caused due to an outdoor sports incident during the pandemic. During the 20-minute Inspection, he is forced to recurrently observed the objects within his limited sight. Meanwhile, he relentlessly comments and redefines the objects within his sight based on his value system(Just like Roland Barthes commented on each photo in his book “Camera Lucida“) that brought by knowledge and experience, which eventually results to an anxiety attack and a self-reflection.
The viewer is allowed to step on the interactive unit which disrupts the video display. Through the interchange of hazy(The image viewer saw)and clear images(Roland Barthes commented on the images viewer saw). When stepping on the medical device control pedal placed on the ground, the blurry image in the default state will become clear and connect more naturally with the authoritative Roland Barthes' comments (the part of Roland Barthes' comments defaults to a clear image and cannot be disturbed by interaction), and the duration of this "artificial" clear state depends on whether this "forced" action can be endured for a long time.